25,000 delegates from 200 countries will look how to save the planet

Scotland, 01.11.2021 - The UN conference on climate change COP26 has opened in the Scottish city of Glasgow. For almost two weeks, 25 thousand delegates from 200 countries will decide how to save the planet from global warming, Radio Svoboda reports.

The main goal of the meeting in Glasgow is to summarize the first results of the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement, signed in 2015. The summit, postponed for a year due to the pandemic, may be the last chance for the world's industrial powers to agree on measures that will slow down the process of global warming on the planet, experts say.

In the first two days, personal meetings are planned for the heads of the G20 member countries - the world's leading economies. They will discuss the extent to which each country has met the main points of the Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase renewable energy production and allocate funds to poor countries to combat climate change.

A report by the UN-affiliated World Meteorological Organization, prepared for the Glasgow summit, notes that the years 2015 to 2021 could be the hottest in the history of climate observations. Global warming from greenhouse gas emissions threatens "far-reaching consequences for present and future generations." The planet is entering "uncharted territory".

However, many experts draw attention to the fact that world leaders will not be able to agree and the goal will not be achieved, since three of the four largest polluting countries - China, Russia and India - do not support the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050. Russia and China are guided by 2060, while India has not yet announced its position.

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