US response to Putin's requirements: We agree with some, with some we do not

The White House said that "final agreements" on the talks between US and Russian Presidents Joseph Biden and Vladimir Putin at the beginning of 2022 in Geneva on draft security treaties that were sent to Washington and NATO member countries by Moscow have not yet been reached. The corresponding statement was made on Thursday, December 23, at a briefing by White House press secretary Jennifer Psaki,- DW reports.

"At the moment, there is no final agreement on the place or time of the meeting," she said. To a clarifying question from one of the journalists, Psaki pointed out that Washington had previously expected" talks in early January," but at this stage it became obvious that the parties "had not yet decided on the details."

"We are working towards a  diplomatic solution," continued the White House spokeswoman. She confirmed that the Russian side had put forward a number of proposals. "With some we agree, with some we do not," stated Jennifer Psaki. “We also agree that diplomatic talks are the right way to move forward,” she summed up.

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