The head of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic K.V. Kokov
Dear Kazbek Valerievich!
Circassian public associations of Russian Federation and abroad have asked you to intervene in the trials of Martin Kochesokov and Ramazan Molov, charges against whom they consider fabricated. However, due to your inaction, Ramazan Molov has already been sentenced to two years of imprisonment in a general regime colony.
When tensions in Russia between the federal center and the regions grow, when it is still peaceful, when non-Russian local peoples are defined on the legislative level as second-class ones, such inaction by the authorities of Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR) cannot but cause corresponding consequences.
Dear Kazbek Valerievich!
You, as the guarantor of the Constitution of KBR, have enough powers to suppress illegal actions of employees of the federal structures who had started the above litigations. In the name of the triumph of justice, in the name of the immediate release from custody of those who were involved in those resonant cases, all you just need is to find courage in yourself.
We hope that the steps you have taken will lead to adoption of acquittals in the litigation against R. Molov in the Supreme Court of KBR, and in the litigation against M. Kochesokov – in the court of first instance. Only in this way, in our opinion, it is possible to stabilize the situation both in the republic and in the Circassian world.
You can sign the appeal following this link:
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